Raphael Kirchner was born in Vienna, to a middle class family
He had music lessons and attended the Conservatoire in Vienna.
He studied at the Vienna School of Art.
He attended an art course at the Spezialschule fur Historienmalerei in Vienna, under the guidance of August Eisenmenger, professor at the Vienna Academy.

- the poster for Wiener Illustrirte, a woman's magazine published in Vienna
- cartoons and drawings for the Viennese Wiener Caricaturen, Die Bombe and Wiener Illustrirte Fraue-Zeitung magazines
- the illustrations for the book by Leo Hirschfeld, Charlotte Wolter - Ein Erinnerungsblatt, published by Carl Konegen, Wien
- some illustrations for the album Radlerei, commissioned by Continental Pneumatic
- the first known set of postcards, «Wiener Typen»